Personal Training


Not everyone can be a trainer at Metroflex.

We interview each trainer and evaluate their professional history, credentials, and personality to make sure they are a good fit for our gym family. It is our goal to have an experienced family of trainers at the gym.

Being a Trainer at Metroflex Gym Oceanside:

  1. You must be certified and insured; listing Metroflex Gym as your secondary.

  2. You charge your own rates, and keep it all.

  3. You pay a $500 fee per month to lease your trainer space at Metroflex.

  4. We reserve the right to deny anyone the right to train here. We love confidence, we don’t love ego.

  5. No stealing clients of other trainers.

Gavin LouisOwner/Co-Founder Metroflex and Personal Trainer
MS Biomechanics
NASM, ACSM Certified
ISSA Certified Nutritionist.
JD in Law
17 Years Personal Training
NPC Overall Champion

In my former life I worked as an attorney. One of the biggest things I notice that is different from my fitness path and legal path – is I get to work more hands on with people in fitness and make a greater impact in their life.

In July of 2016, I was saved by Christ. My life forever changed… I continue to work on surrender to Jesus. You may ask, what that has to do with the price of tea in China in choosing a personal trainer, and – well, I understnad that.
My path, my belief is that I’m here to make a difference. I’ve acquired a wealth of knowledge both through study and practical, life applications. 17 years I’ve been personal training! And now, I’m not doing it as a job – but a mission.
Translation for you? I’ll care. You won’t get a cookie cutter diet. I will be truthful and honest with where you will be able to take yourself. I will teach you the correct form on exercises so you LEARN – I won’t just tell you what to do and not explain the HOW and WHY.
There are 100s if not 1000s of trainers out there for you to choose from. At the end of the day, you’re going to need to find one you are comfortable with and trust.
At the least, you can hit me up and let’s rap… let’s see what greatness we might achieve!

Sabrina UridelIFBB Pro and Personal Trainer
4x IFBB Professional Women’s Physique Champion
3x IFBB Professional Best Poser Award
3x Women’s Physique Olympian
Olympia and Arnold Classic Finalist (Top 5)
17 Years Personal Training Experience

I competed as an IFBB Pro for 11 years in three divisions (Fitness, Figure and Women’s Physique). Throughout this time, I travelled the world for various competitions and gained a unique perspective toward contest preparation and the many facets that go into it.

If you’re looking to get on stage – I can help to develop lagging body parts, focus your nutrition so you aren’t losing fat by starving yourself and design a training program to take you through that will maximize not only your efforts but your intensity in the gym.

I also work with lifestyle clients who are just looking to get into better shape all the way to those who need a total overhaul.

Reach out and get in touch with me! Whether it’s your first show or your 10th… whether you are stepping in the gym for the first time or your 1000th… let’s do this together!