The Weight Room


  • WATSON GYM EQUIPMENT – based out of the U.K., Watson Gym Equipment combines versatility, biomechanically effective designs, and a hardcore feels that brings together the grit of 1st generation equipment with the science and ergonomics of the present day.  This stuff isn’t the powder puff equipment you will find in corporate big box gyms… this is the stuff legends are made of!
  • FIRST GEN FLEX FITNESS SELECTORIZED – Beyond some of our excellent free-weight equipment, we also have a variety of 1st generation Flex Fitness selectorized machines. This stuff was designed correctly the first time, and because it is so rare – it is even more special to have these pieces in our facility.  Whether it’s the leg extensions that target your quads in just the right way or the hamtractor that will allow multiple variations to throttle your hamstring… our selectorized equipment will blow you away!
  • DUMBBELLS – Currently we have 5lbs-150lbs, and 5-50lbs DB Sets. We will be adding 160-200lbs within a few months of opening.